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What Followed from the FSM on the Berkeley Campus

Editorial note: This outline of post-FSM developments will be expanded, particularly in its Faculty and Administrative sections. We expect that our cooperation with the Bancroft Library will enable us to make the texts of many documents from 1965 available here by late 2000. We invite others who care, to help us make the documents from later years available online. Meanwhile, we intend to elaborate this outline with useful references to published accounts and interpretations. We hope that other veterans and scholars familiar with aspects of this local history will help us gather references, source documents, and unpublished materials -- particularly their own, and of personal character -- that may be put on line, to illuminate the complex era of developments that followed the FSM.

"Filthy Speech" controversy [early 1965]

The Second Strike [Dec. 1966] (over anti-war "free speech" issue)

-- linkage of political and emergent hippie [countercultural] movements

Free Student Union [1965-66]

Undergraduate Association [1965]

GCC (Graduate Coordinating Committee) [late1964 on]

-- Graduate Assembly [-- present]

UEGS (Union of Employed Graduate Students) [1964-66?]

-- TA unionizing [-- present]

Services unionizing [1964/5 -- present]

Educational reform (student-initiated):

student-initiated courses (see below)
spectrum of other initiatives and consequences, 1965-70
"free university activism" (see Campus/Community developments

Educational reform (institutional):

Meyer Report [1965] and sequelea
Muscatine Report [1965] -- Board of Educational Development [1966-70]
          -- student-initiated courses -- CPE [1970s on?] -- DCAL [1990s]
          -- Eldridge Cleaver controversy [1969]
Experimental Collegiate ("Tussman") Program [1965-67+?]
other consequences
contemporary and retrospective evaluations

Affirmative action organizing:

early student groups and agitation, faculty support [1965-66]
-- Third World Liberation Front -- TWLF Strike [1968-69]
          -- multiculturalism (student, faculty, curric.) [1970--present]
          -- anti-apartheid movement [1984-85; links with 1984 FSM reunion]
          -- defense of affirmative action [late 1980s -- present]

The Curriculum of Sproul Steps, the Culture of Sproul Plaza

list of noon rallies (subject/group/speakers), 1965-1970+
          statistical and interpretive summary
          links to Daily Cal (and other) journalistic coverage
list of noteable other events (rallies, mobilizations, etc.) in the Plaza, 1965-70
links to journalism, personal reports, historical treatments
links to the Bancroft LIBRARY'S inventory of Sather Gate leaflets, 1965-70+
the culture of the Plaza: journalistic coverage, 1965-98 [mainly from Daily Cal]

Faculty developments [1965-66]

Academic Senate governance and committees (esp. Academic Freedom)
intra/inter-departmental developments
          -- 1970 -- present??<
emergent anti-war and affirmative activism, 1965-70

Administrative developments [1965-66]

Chancellor Myerson's tenure and relations with student politics
changes and implementations of policies governing student activities
          -- 1970 -- present??


  This page last changed 02 December, 2000


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