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Introduction to the
"Subsequent Journalism" Bibliography

FSM-A's archive of subsequent press coverage is a labor of devotion [housed as of August 2010 on Barbara Stack's own web site,], seeded by Laura X and tended by Barbara Stack. For many years, Laura has used her clipping-service for feminist matters also to catch references to the FSM, forwarding them to us -- to be haphazardly preserved, until Barbara took charge.

Barbara's interest was sparked during the FSM's 20th Anniversary proceedings, when she volunteered to help mount the memorabilia exhibits, but lay dormant nearly a decade. She writes,

"In 1993 I ran into Laura X, who began to discuss the upcoming FSM 30th Anniversary. She found that I had worked on the 1984 event, and drew from me a boast of a file, which turned out to be the only one remaining that contained, among other items, some of the missing press clippings. In 1984 I'd worked with Michael Rossman to select and mount those marvelous 1964 front pages with the huge red headlines. I also worked on press relations then, and became aware of the enduring interest in the FSM, extending to the Italian press, who sent reporters. I am convinced that there is a significant body of reportage from 1964 in Europe. I believe that the original press coverage is a demonstration of the significance of the FSM, as well as the means by which that significance was extended. It is clear to me from subsequent reportage that the FSM still resonates. I am confident that the message will go forward."

"Thanks again to Laura X for subscribing to a clipping service. Thanks to the Berkeley Historical Society for additional resources. Thanks to Susan Druding for making my work look good."

Barbara Stack     

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